
Monday, July 6, 2015

Android Studio Vs Eclipse

Android studio and Eclipse both are IDE to develop  Android applications. But Eclipse is old, Android Studio is new. Eclipse is obsolete without further support from Google so you will have problems downloading or working with updated API's or Libraries to support updated version of Android.

Studio uses gradle as build management system. With help of gradle you can automate build generation process simultaneously keeping different versions/variations of build. 

In the layout view you have the option to view both the actual layout and the xml at the same time, while in Eclipse you must choose between the two tabs. i.e Preview of resources (Drawables, styles, etc) along side code

Since Android Studio is quite new, you may not find answers online for the problems that you face. You will be getting more resources to learn for eclipse IDE than to android studio.

Android Studio can refactor your code in places where it’s just not possible using Eclipse and ADT. 

In Android Studio there is no need to manually add the .jar dependencies.

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